Finish this sentence…

Prior to our opening, take a few moments here on our class blog to finish this sentence:

“Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to…”

Consider addressing how you “thought across the class.” In other words…how were you influenced by your colleagues and co-curators, how did your research develop in response to the work of your co-curators, what did you learn from working on this class project, how have your ideas about Venice developed from this project? This will prepare you for your presentations at the opening Thursday. You may certainly respond to comments made by your peers…in fact, this is encouraged. Remember how to comment? Click on “Comments.”

Thinking about the exhibit?

Hi everyone!  And that includes Jim and Tim.

Take a look at the Student Work tab (thank you Jim and Tim) and see the image Melanie posted.  Something like that could make an intriguing opening page to our exhibit if we want to think in terms of “exhibit.”  It could be an interesting way for visitors to move through our space.  Any ideas?  Other suggestions?

I’m reading over the research ideas you’ve posted and am impressed.  You have very interesting topics so far…also BIG topics.  Be thinking about how you might focus these broader topics into a topic you can take on in one semester.  Good work!

Finish this sentence…

Prior to our opening, take a few moments here on our class blog to finish this sentence (from my post here on December 3):

“Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to…”  Here, consider addressing how you “thought across the class.”  In other words…how were you influenced by your colleagues and co-curators, how did your research develop in response to the work of your co-curators, what did you learn from working on this class project, how have your ideas about Venice developed from this project?

This will prepare you for your presentations at the opening Thursday.  You may certainly respond to comments made by your peers…in fact, this is encouraged.

Remember how to comment?  Click on “Comments.”

At our opening…

please be prepared to present an overview (5 minutes) of your research and a brief tour of your part of the exhibit (your wall labels).

Also, take another few minutes to complete this sentence:  “Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to…”  Here, consider addressing how you “thought across the class.”  In other words…how were you influenced by your colleagues and co-curators, how did your research develop in response to the work of your co-curators, what did you learn from working on this class project, how have your ideas about Venice developed from this project?

Our exhibit…

…is opening next week!  We have some interesting work ahead and, I think, a wonderful exhibit to look forward to…and one that won’t disappear!

This post will be edited periodically, so please come back to it to check for additional information, updates, and news.  Please refer to this post as you develop your wall labels.

1) The timeline…  All of you have several dates in your projects.  Please add these dates to our timeline in our class blog.  There’s an easy link there now.  When you link to the first page, go to the top of the first timeline page and click on “register.”  This will take you immediately to the excell sheet on which you will add your dates, etc.  Make your additions at the bottom of the spreadsheet — regardless of chronology.  Please do not erase anything on the spreadsheet that is there.  Dates will not appear in chronological order on the spreadsheet…but will on our timeline!

2)  Our map…  Some of you have projects that can be located on the map…please do this!

3)  Group photo…  Is anyone good with Photoshop?  Do we have a volunteer to locate us in front of some great Venetian building?  I’ll bring my camera tomorrow.

4) Our exhibit has a site…  I worked on this over the break, and Jim taught me a few neat things this morning.  It’s going to work so smoothly!  Jim will send you some specific instructions and I’ll review the ins and outs with you during our meetings.  For now, please visit the site to get an idea of how it looks.  You are all writers/authors/editors of our exhibit blog.

5) Your wall labels…  The exhibit page will be populated by individual pages each of us will write.  I’ll write an introduction to the exhibit that links our visitors to each of your pages/wall labels.  Each of you will have the following pages within our “Exhibit” page:  a) overview (100-200 word summary of your project with a list of of additional wall lables with links to these); b) bibliography (this should be identified clearly so we don’t have 14 pages called “Bibliography”); c) the full text of your paper;  and d) through….  These will be defined sections of your final paper, for example, Nicole might have a section on the making of masks, on Commedia dell’arte, on Pietro Longhi, on types of masks (Nicole and I met today and these were sections she mentioned).  We’ll talk about these further…

6) Your pages are posted as “children” of the Exhibit page…I’ll show you what I mean in class and iin our meeting.  it’s not as strange as it sounds!

7) Please forward to me an image I can use in my introduction that best reflects the nature of your work.

8) Your papers are due to me this Friday, December 5 (as per the syllabus).  Please have a first draft of your wall labels posted on our exhibit blog no later than Monday, December 7, 5 p.m. so I can review these and get back to you on Tuesday.

Stay tuned…