Finish this sentence…

Prior to our opening, take a few moments here on our class blog to finish this sentence:

“Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to…”

Consider addressing how you “thought across the class.” In other words…how were you influenced by your colleagues and co-curators, how did your research develop in response to the work of your co-curators, what did you learn from working on this class project, how have your ideas about Venice developed from this project? This will prepare you for your presentations at the opening Thursday. You may certainly respond to comments made by your peers…in fact, this is encouraged. Remember how to comment? Click on “Comments.”

Outlining the Paper: Ideas to Include

– Look for variations

– Realist & Fantasist (find links and comparison points)

– Vedute – view painter of Venice

– Reputation of a picture/postcard artist

– Canaletto using his imagination, and also his familiarity with the city

– Capricci – like Guardi; Bellato

– “Invented” landscapes

– Compare differences and scene changes – use different perspectives and vantage points

– Include connection with the British – this has become more important than I had initially thought

– Explore prints and etchings – visit National Gallery for this.

– How does Canaletto introduce a subject?

– How does is he influenced by the Myth of Venice?

Beginnings – Editing and Re-editing

The Grand Canal and the Church of the Salute

I submitted my initial paper proposal to Professor Och, but am not prepared to post it here just quite yet. There is some editing that inevitably needs to be done and further research that needs to take place before I will feel prepared to publicly share it!

I just acquired two print sources from the National Gallery of Art that I thankfully now can add to my collection of bibliography. I have thumbed through a few pages of text and pictures, noting which ones stood out to me.

I think I want to shift the focus of my thesis – and therefore perhaps the title of my essay and research – to something that involves Canaletto’s fantasy of Venice and how he translated that into a reality.


Just a few scattered thoughts to get my blog going – more to come when I fully figure out the logistics of the site!