Hi everyone! And that includes Jim and Tim.
Take a look at the Student Work tab (thank you Jim and Tim) and see the image Melanie posted. Something like that could make an intriguing opening page to our exhibit if we want to think in terms of “exhibit.” It could be an interesting way for visitors to move through our space. Any ideas? Other suggestions?
I’m reading over the research ideas you’ve posted and am impressed. You have very interesting topics so far…also BIG topics. Be thinking about how you might focus these broader topics into a topic you can take on in one semester. Good work!
Online Exhibits research: http://www.metmuseum.org/explore/byzantium/byzhome.html – I thought this online exhibit had great detail such as the timeline which gave great perespective and the glossary which was thoughtful so everyone can understand. It was also inventive to have a variety of ways to explore the site since people are different.
http://www.natlib.govt.nz/collections/online-exhibitions/the-wellingtonians – I thought this online exhibit had a strong “intro panel” and the number of pictures gave the exhibition a storng visual sense. The other descriptive panels had just the right word count before people would start to experience museum fatigue.
Discussion questions:
1) I want the publc to understand that Venetian artists and culture made contributions to art history that were different from Rome and Florence – not better, but new. Also, the importance of the lagooon to the culture of the city throughout its history to the modern day.
2) Things to inlcude in our exhibit would be images, labels and descriptive “panels” which can be inlcuded online. A guide to our “museum” would be a nice touch, and if this is possible, a directional flow to the museum – maybe more than one since people learn different ways.
3) With an online exhibit, the space and flow are more easily manipulated, but at the same time virtual space is limited to what technology can do. I think our audience would be students, teachers, bloggers, travelers.
Also, I posted my comment on Melanie’s blog about what I thought of her image last week.
So I think the main thing from me about an online exhibit is keeping it clean and sharp. NGA’s website is a perfect example and one of their exhibits is a great example: http://www.nga.gov/feature/artnation/bassano/thestory_2.shtm
I also like the chronology aspect that we can utilize in organizing the exhibit because I think that it will flow much better.
When it comes to the layout of our on-line exhibit, it might be useful to set it up in a way that’s similar to these style: http://musee.louvre.fr/visite-louvre/index.html?defaultView=rdc.s46.p01&lang=ENG and http://musee.louvre.fr/visite-louvre/index.html?defaultView=entresol.s489.p01&lang=ENG . I particularly liked these formats because it made the exhibit very clear and easy to browse and the whole virtual feel of it felt very real. We can use out cursor to move around the exhibit and when the cursor rolls over a specific piece of work, the option to get a closer look at it can appear which makes it easier to navigate around the space. Perhaps we can fill the space with a variety of different colors since bright colors are very relevant in Venice.
If our exhibit were in a traditional museum we would probably want to include a guide, maybe a movie projector to have a short film playing in the background that explains more on Venetian culture, maybe an interactive screen that lets the visitor choose what they want to learn about.
I was thinking maybe we can set the virtual space up so that it’s divided by subjects. There can be a painting, statue, or any other piece of art representing each particular subject and then when you roll over it with the cursor, the option to read about it can appear. Our audience will range from experts on Venice to people who know practically nothing and are interested in learning more.
I found this example of an online exhibit. I think it takes advantage of the design options having a digital exhibit allows. I like the navigation of the exhibit itself and how each new subject has a brief introduction page. I also like the way the images can be navigated and it categorizes subjects in a timeline, which I think is a good organizational tactic. http://www.history.org/history/museums/mappingExhibit.html
I found this exhibit example in a list of online exhibits. What I like is how the different exhibits when highlighted show up on the map of the actual museum. It would be interesting to try and organize the various topics from our class around their locations shown on a map of Venice (an idea which I think was brought up in class).
The National Gallery of Art breaks up their online exhibits into “tours” which would be a way that each of us could present our information and images in the order we wanted similar to how the layout of an exhibit would be planned in a real gallery.
I also really liked the picture on Melanie’s blog and think an exhibit could be designed around that image.
What great ideas!
I haven’t been to the Louvre site in a while…and it is much changed. I think it offers a lot to visitors to Paris before they arrive in Paris…as well as information about the Louvre and Paris to people who just want to know something. I wonder if we couldn’t try the “moving cursor” in our exhibit.
I’ve always been a fan of anything the NGA/DC does…and the site noted is especially interesting. I like the way one can travel through the exhibit and go in greater depth.
A glossary is an excellent idea. And thinking about museum fatigue is important. How do we want to keep visitors engaged? And get them to come back? Should we have a brief overview? Then allow them to visit “rooms” of their choice?
The Williamsburg and Vatican sites are fantastic! Let’s think about how we might incorporate these ideas, too. Perhaps we could use the Barbari map in some way. And again…the NGA does such a great job of gathering information and presenting it.
There’s a lot to think about here. And you have made some important suggestions, thanks. See you in class tomorrow!
After looking at a few websites for some of the best known museums in the world (like the MoMa & the Guggenheim), I think that is most important to present our research in a really concise and easily accessible manner.
I like the layout of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston’s website looks (http://www.mfa.org/). It is a simple layout that makes finding what you’re looking for an easy task but it is still professional and sophisticated.
Here are a bunch of other online museum exhibits that we can us as a model for ours:
When looking at a lot of online exhibits, many of them had a slide-show type format reminiscent of a power point, which i did not find particularly engaging. However, Williamsburg(http://www.history.org/history/museums/online_exhibits.cfm)
has multiple online exhibits that, while they often have a slides how format, they present information in a way that allows the viewer to navigate the site how he or she wishes, and allows them to look at what interests them under a certain topic. The Conserving the Murray Sisters exhibit
(http://www.history.org/history/museums/murraySisters/) is one of my favorites because of the different actions the viewer has access too, such as the zoom, but moreso the comparison aspect. Also, their format allows small chunks of information to be presented to the viewer at any given time, which might help in minimizing museum fatigue.
I really like the idea of having a “space” that our viewers can move around in, like Melanie’s museum picture, I think that is an element that could also keep our viewers more engaged in the exhibit.