Prior to our opening, take a few moments here on our class blog to finish this sentence (from my post here on December 3):
“Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to…” Here, consider addressing how you “thought across the class.” In other words…how were you influenced by your colleagues and co-curators, how did your research develop in response to the work of your co-curators, what did you learn from working on this class project, how have your ideas about Venice developed from this project?
This will prepare you for your presentations at the opening Thursday. You may certainly respond to comments made by your peers…in fact, this is encouraged.
Remember how to comment? Click on “Comments.”
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to organize and select the information i wanted in order to show the ideas i have about my topic. By learning about my peers’ topics, I was able to reflect on my topic and relate each one to my research. Since my topic was about the clothing fashions of women in venice during the early modern period, I was constantly looking at the clothing of the slides people would present and test myself on my knowledge. My ideas about Venice has grown from learning about venetian dress, because in the process of research, i learned about all that encompassed venice during the 15th and 16th centuries. Through my topic, i was able to learn how truly fascinating venice is and why it stands out as a remarkable city.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to realize how wonderfully unique Venice was. By learning from classmates across topics I began to understand the adjective Venetian fully. Despite the wide range of things we applied it to, there was a certain felling that seemed to permeate it all. A more concrete lesson from all this was how to make a link and insert pictures into websites-good stuff.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to see Venice from both a historical and contemporary point of view. Being a Studio Art major and choosing the Venice Biennale as my research topic, I was able to reflect my knowledge with that of most of my Art History peers. Learning the history of Venice has allowed me to better understand its extraordinary uniqueness and how it got where it is today. Venice is not only a place flooded (no pun intended) with artistic history, but has become a communication center for today’s art world.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to look at the city from many different angles. It was very fulfilling for me as an Italian major to study all aspects of Venice through student research. From reading articles focusing on the controversy behind public advertising on scaffoldings to listening to presentations about Titian’s Venuses, I feel that our class became very interested in many different topics while being connected to one larger one, the city of Venice. This became particularly evident to me when I was able to listen to fellow class-mates’ presentations and see what everyone else was working on compared to my own topic.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to focus all of my research time and energy on Titian without missing out on a myriad of other aspects of Venice. The great benefit to the way this seminar was organized was that although most of my own reading was on Titian, his altarpieces and information connected to that, I was able to review the work other students did and learn from their research. Questions raised during my own presentations allowed me to see what my readers would want further information on. Listening to the presentations of others, and reviewing their blogs, gave me ideas of how to improve my own work. All of this enabled me to develop a much broader view of Venice and gain more knowledge. When I walked the streets of Venice, there were times I saw it from a classmate’s point of interest. I took photographs of masks, restoration work, deterioration, architectural details… all in mind of presentations or topics of other students. Without their input, I would have missed out on all these other facets that are a part of Venice; I would have spent too much time on too narrow a focus and ignored some of the details that I enjoyed so very much. The course readings and lectures were wonderful in presenting an excellent body of background knowledge I was able to draw upon as the semester proceeded. As I quickly learned, I needed that insight into Venice in order to more fully understand my work on Titian’s altarpieces. It is impossible to fully understand what an artist was trying to express with out understanding the period, culture and environment of the period. I find that I have enjoyed blogging about my research, and my friends and family appreciate it as well. It is another way to learn and get thoughts down, not on paper, but “out there”. Part of me now would like to pursue art history; this has been a wonderful experience and writing is not nearly as painful as I imagined it would be. It was very serendipitous that I found myself unexpectedly in this course; I would have missed out on so much otherwise.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to understand how much research goes into the opening of an exhibit. It is important to consider the history of Venice and the modern influences of the city to fully understand our exhibit. I was pleased to know that my classmates were so helpful with each other’s papers and research. I enjoyed the feedback from both my professor and co-curators. Working with my peers, this class was informative to see how all of our topics intertwined. I enjoyed creating the Venice exhibit and it was interesting learning about opening an exhibit online. Using blogs, it was good to be able to see peer papers and research and stay involved with their topics. Overall, I have had a very good experience with the Venice exhibit and am excited to open on Thursday!
Researching for an online exhibit for Venice in this seminar allowed me to understand the diversity and appeal of this great city. While Venice is plagued by many problems, these are not new to Venetians and in such a harsh environment they have thrived and flourished. Although my classmates research did not always have an impact on my own research, their work has allowed me to explore the city of Venice through many different lens. While not the most technologically efficient, this exhibit has allowed me to try new ideas and different ways of getting information out to the public. I look forward to seeing all our hard semester long work put together and shown to the world.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to appreciate all the hard work it takes to create an exhibit and to know how satisfying it feels to know you have created something that may help others in their research. This class has challenged me to think more critically and deeply into subjects I would not normally have given a second thought to. Seeing and learning from my classmates projects allowed me to develop my ideas more and to see how interrelated our topics were. Venetian masks could not be fully presented without the mentions of Venetian fashion or the social contexts in which they were worn. Venice is not simply a city in a lagoon, yet it is a complex society of art, politics, science, and culture. I have learned that Venice is not what it seems. There are so many different ideas and concepts that make up the wonderful city. My co-curators and I have explored and investigated different pieces of Venice that blend together to make our own interpretation of Venetian identity. I hope that our exhibit will help others in diving deeper into the ever-changing and ever-fascinating waters of Venice.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to see how fascinating and unique the city of Venice really is. I found my project particularly interesting because I got to study not only the city of Venice but also how non-Venetians viewed the city. Furthermore, watching the projects of my classmates develop, I also got to see each of their viewpoints on the city. My research combined with the class’s research has really given me a new appreciation for the city, as well as a lot of knowledge about the city I would not have had otherwise.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar has allowed me to become acquainted with the art, culture, and history of this ethereal floating city in such a way that would otherwise only be possible through physical travel. In both conducting my own in-depth research and learning from my fellow curators, I feel as if I have gained diverse and multifaceted insight into the city and grown to appreciate it even more. Perhaps it is all too easy to stereotype Venice or to only really “see” a limited portion of the city. Yet this seminar and online exhibit have certainly reinforced the fact that Venice is a living, breathing city that is by no means static or one-dimensional. If one knows how to look, one can easily find in Venice everything from the Byzantine to the Contemporary, from the religious to the secular, or see the city from the point of view of a Doge or a courtesan, from the perspective of a Venetian or a non-Venetian. As evident by our unique research, our seminar class certainly knows how to look at Venice through all of its many possible lenses. What’s even greater is the fact that we can now share these new ways of viewing the city with an unlimited audience!
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice has given me a great appreciation of the many influences Venice has had throughout its history and how so many of these permeate the city through its art. When researching my topic and hearing of others I thought that we all had some great, individual ideas. Upon seeing the presentations and reading the blogs I was amazed at how well they all seemed to tie into each other. Just like how the city interweaves its many historical and cultural ties, our research, while varied, also tied together. I was looking forward to this seminar and the chance to learn about Venitian art but I walk away with not only a greater understanding of its art but the nature of the city itself as an all encompassing entity unlike any other. I am glad that we get to share this idea with all who are interested through our online exhibit and I hope that they come to appreciate the great city that we have all devoted our semester to.
Researching for an online exhibit on Venice in this seminar allowed me to realize
how special and important Venice actually is. I am becoming a Web Design major and all this research from my peers and the seminar has made me understand Venice, even from the first days of Venice to Venice today; I can also grab some of the ideas from the art of Venice. Being able to share me knowledge and to consume the knowledge of my peers makes me feel apart of a system and fills me with content.Venice is a intriguing city due to the fact that it still holds its position as the focal point for today’s art.